Tara Mei is a Love & Legacy Guide, Psychic Advisor, Somatic-Based Coach, and Retreat Curator who specializes in the realms of Love, Intimacy, and Relationships, alongside conscious business and legacy building. She brings an embodied approach to healing, holistic success, and integrative wellness to her retreats. Having traversed the globe in pursuit of knowledge, extensive training, and experiential wisdom in energy work, somatic alchemy, psychic mediumship, and trauma healing, Tara has honed a comprehensive toolkit for facilitating reality-shifting transformation for her retreat participants.

At her retreats, Tara cultivates a supportive community, guiding participants to step into the next octave of their highest evolution. She serves individuals driven by a greater calling, seeking to leave behind a legacy of artistry and collective impact. Through her keen sensitivity to the subtle layers of reality, she bridges worlds, communities, and dreams from spirit to matter.

Tara possesses a deep ability to uncover the unconscious, hidden, and repressed, bringing the light of truth to illuminate all that is hidden and empower it to rise into its full integrity and expression through our impact as future ancestors on the planet. As an authentic relationalist at heart, she guides individuals to embrace healthy secure attachment styles and find the inner beloved, unifying the marriage of feminine and masculine within to embrace a new octave of magnetism in relationships.

Her expertise has been recognized on a global scale, as she appeared as a healer and authentic relating retreat facilitator on the Top 10 Rated Netflix show, Bling Empire.

Tara Mei is also a pillar for those who seek to recode their ancestral DNA with new narratives, serving as the transitional character in their family lineages to empower their lineage in a way that serves their authentic destiny and the shift of consciousness on our planet.

Tara Méi

Thank you for being here.

► Certified Love, Intimacy, and Relationship Coach from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality

► Certified Coach from The Spiral School of Awakening

► Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher 

► Advanced Training in Psychic Mediumship  

► Mediumship as studied through Church of the Celestial Heart: A non-profit religious church that is based on the Santo Daime and Umbandaime religions and the sacramental communion of Daime, or Ayahuasca

► Previous Holistic Practitioner at the Southern California Integrative Wellness Center in Los Angeles

► Previous Reiki Practitioner at Next Level Holistic Healing  Center in Los Angeles

► Certified Goddess Yoga Instructor: The Art of Sacred & Sensual Movement

► Authentic Relating Facilitator, as seen on Season 3 of the Netflix Show: Bling Empire

areas of study & training

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