
We Meet at the Center of


A 90-minute breakthrough session emerges from a fusion of psychic reading, energy work, somatic healing, cognitive reprogramming, and lifestyle integration, forming a mandala of pure alchemy and transformation.

Tailored to your unique intentions, desires, and goals, these sessions are skillfully and delicately balanced, creating a space to ground profound shifts on your path that impact the trajectory of your life, relationships, and legacy.

As you step through the doorway of these sessions, you'll find yourself embracing a new sense of clarity, intimacy, flow, confidence, trust, intuition, and purposeful living. Breakthrough sessions are open to everyone, with the option to book up to 2 individual sessions.

Should you wish to continue with sessions, coaching packages or retreats with Tara are available for further exploration and discussion.

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Breakthrough Session

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Inspired by a Taoist and Tantric approach to living well, my work embraces the union of opposites:

The unconscious and conscious, Spirit and Matter, Feminine and Masculine, Light and Shadow, Ancient and Future.

my offerings


yes please


i'm ready


of course

"I came into this retreat with her with intent of emerging a new man. An elevated human. I received that and lifetimes more than I ever could have expected. I was reconnected to my power, my essence and reclaimed my voice. She guided me through levels of my consciousness and took the journey with me through so much emotional work and blockage. She is such a gifted individual who’s true intention is to heal and discover alongside you.

I can confidently say my life is changed having worked with her. Not only will I never forget this retreat, but I will carry its lessons through every moment of this lifetime. Thank you, Tara!"

- Anthony S.

"Tara is such a blessing. She is nurturing and kind and beyond intuitive."

client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  

"I came into this retreat with her with intent of emerging a new man. An elevated human. I received that and lifetimes more than I ever could have expected. I was reconnected to my power, my essence and reclaimed my voice. She guided me through levels of my consciousness and took the journey with me through so much emotional work and blockage. She is such a gifted individual who’s true intention is to heal and discover alongside you.

I can confidently say my life is changed having worked with her. Not only will I never forget this retreat, but I will carry its lessons through every moment of this lifetime. Thank you, Tara!"

- Anthony S.

"Tara is such a blessing. She is nurturing and kind and beyond intuitive."

client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  

"Tara fosters camaraderie right from the start. There is no hierarchy: there are two equals — two friends — in designated roles. It’s deeply empowering to be treated as an equal by a teacher. Her personality and example alone teach me in my everyday life. She has such a beautiful way of showing people what they need to see, with so much love and grace that it becomes the desired thing to do.

When I started working with Tara, I was on the brink of my capacity to handle all the pain that my life circumstances were raining on me. Months later, there came a moment when I burst out of what felt like a cocoon and into an entirely new version of self and surroundings. I have also made major internal and external shifts that moved me from a scarcity frequency to an abundance frequency. What more could I ask for?"

- Hannah M.

"The value of the work I did with Tara is not only unparalleled, but unquantifiable."

client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  

"Tara came into my life during a period of major loss and death, and she helped me design my rebirth. Before working with Tara— I was in pieces, falling apart, crumbling. Now I am whole, I have put myself back together. my wounds are still here but they are not in control of me anymore. They are my guides, not my obstacles. I have uncovered and discovered myself through this container.

She has taught me to unearth my fears with compassion, dive into the root of the pain, and transmute darkness into light. She has given me the gift of alchemy. A gift that I can utilize in my daily life and that I can teach to my future clients. I am overflowing with gratitude and love for this woman and her potent medicine. When I began this process, I was looking for a mentor. I never expected to find a sister for life and to be reunited with my soul family."

- Nicole D.

"It’s hard to put into words how much Tara has given me."

client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  

"During our journey Tara supported me every step of the way, showing me true compassion, unconditional love, alchemy of my deepest wounds, & friendship. Now, I feel connected, resourced, calm, guided, & abundant. Almost everything has changed & is about to change. Life after working with Tara is 10x more magical, pleasurable, & abundant. She always had the best guidance, at the perfect time, & always made me feel seen , heard, & understood. I get to take the gifts we unlocked together & use them for the rest of my life!

I am now choosing to own my playfulness, my sensuality, sensitivity, honesty, & compassion. I feel very grateful to have had this experience with Tara, she will lead you to your best self."

-Chelsea S.

"Life after working with Tara is 10x more magical, pleasurable, & abundant."

client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  

"Having 1:1 sessions with Tara is like meeting up with an old friend who is kind, gentle, loving, and so wise. Our sessions were always unique and always left me feeling seen, heard, and celebrated. I cherish Tara's intuition and deeply trust her wisdom and guidance. I was continually reminded of the cosmic magic that is available to each of us. Truly. Our work was spiritually transformational while simultaneously filled with moments of laughter and levity. Tara speaks through the language of the heart, and has a way of guidance and insight that pours out of her like water into a tall glass, that goes beyond words.

The gifts I am choosing to own moving forward after this container is my gentle, soft nature while continuing to nurture the strong, fiery side. Soft front, strong back. I am so grateful for this soul journey with Tara and for working with a mentor that has become a true friend."

- Kelsey B.

"I feel I have called my power back through this work."

client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  

"Before meeting Tara, I was in spiritual discovery, and now I feel I have a grounded way to approach my life goals in a more creative way that incorporates both my spiritual and logical nature. Our sessions flow so well because she just knows when to pause, ask questions, give advice, or whatever the moment calls for.

Since my mentorship with Tara, I am now embracing my intuition in my day to day life– for example, going more with the flow and not feeling the need to force anything or do it just because I told myself I would, or someone else told me it had to be done a certain way. This is such a weight off my shoulders, and feels like a more natural way to be. Tara not only coached me through this, but led by example which made it easier for me to incorporate into my own life. I am so grateful to have Tara in my life!"

- Christina M.

"Tara is truly the most intuitive person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing."

client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love  client love